New Home Inspections – From Base to Handover

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Is your home being built to the Australian standard and to the specifications set out in your new home contract?

 Keep reading to see examples of the kind of issues and defects our inspectors regularly identify in the course of staged new home construction inspections.


 This stage is inspected before the concrete is poured. This enables the inspector to check the workmanship is to an acceptable standard and that good quality control measures are in place.

Defect Example 1:

Our Inspector’s Observation: ‘The 1- N12 bar, to be tied to the underside of slab mesh, is missing to external corner of the front porch.’

Defect Example 2:

Our Inspector’s Observation: ‘There is a broken foam pod which was identified and removed by the concreter during the course of the inspection.’

Defect Example 3:

Our Inspector’s Observation: ‘Termite collars are missing to the meter box upstand.’


 At this stage, the frame has been completed and approved by the building surveyor.

 Defect Example 1:

Our Inspector’s Observation: ‘ The north elevation left side parapet is not in line with the wall framing below, see arrow and straight edge.’

Defect Example 2:

Our Inspector’s Observation: ‘Noggins are required to the perimeter of the garage area to ensure the correct fixing of the plaster ceiling.’

Lock-Up/Pre-Plaster Stage

 At this stage, the roof coverings are fixed, external doors and windows are fixed, even if only temporarily. Wall cladding may be only partly complete and will be inspected at future stages depending on the build process.

Defect Example 1:

Our Inspector’s Observation:  ‘Check all packing strips. The standard is that they should be nailed off with fasteners spaced at 150mm apart maximum, this will stop them going wavy, see arrow.’

Defect Example 2:

Our Inspector’s Observations: ‘The wall frame shows excessive gaps at the junctions that will need to be rectified prior to the plaster being installed.’


At Fixing stage, internal cladding, architraves, skirting, doors, sinks, cabinets and cupboards of the home are now fixed into position.

Defect Example 1:

Our Inspector’s Observation:  ‘It is recommended that entry doors be finished off with levers. Hands can get caught due to fire rated door frames.’

Defect Example 2:

Our Inspector’s Comments:  ‘There are nails protruding on the sliding doors.’

PCI (Handover) Stage

 The Final inspection (PCI) occurs before the keys are handed over.

Our Inspector’s Observation:

‘The damaged sections of ceiling plaster/cornice need to be rectified where evident.’

Defect Example 2:

Our Inspector’s Comments:

‘The brick mortar is missing in locations and will need to be rectified.’

Download our New Home Construction Inspection Flyer for a comprehensive overview of what we check at each stage of your new home build.

Still at the contract stage?

 A new home contract can be an unfamiliar document. Let one of our experienced inspectors review your contract before you commit to such a large financial purchase.

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